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Family and Medical Leave Act

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Other Employment Problems

4 Resource(s) Found
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Coronavirus: Survivors & the Workplace

For some survivors of domestic violence, going to work or school can provide a safe haven and respite from the abuse experienced at home or in interpersonal and familial relationships. And the added stress of close quarters created by social distancing measures may indeed exacerbate violence experienced at home.

Family Medical Leave Act Fact Sheet

Information on the Family Medical Leave Act and D.C. paid sick and safe leave.

Health Insurance Plans and Health Benefits

This web site contains information and fact sheets about (1) your rights to health care when you change jobs, (2) the health care rights of women, mothers, and newborns, (3) mental health benefits rights, (4) rights to know what your health care plan contains, (5) how your health plan benefits are affected by your employers' bankruptcy, and much more. Some of the information is in PDF format.

Pregnancy Discrimination

General information from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission about discrimination based on pregnancy, including information on maternity leave and health insurance.

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