Child Custody and Visitation Fact Sheet
Custody is a legal arrangement that establishes who has the right to make decisions about a child and where a child will live. Custody only applies to children under the age of 18. When you get a custody order from a judge, it will determine two types of custody: legal custody and physical custody.
Fee Waivers in Washington D.C. Fact Sheet
In D.C. Family Court, it costs $80 to start a divorce, custody, visitation or child support case. Once the case has been started, it costs $20 to file a counterclaim or a motion. There may also be other costs, such as witness fees or publication of notices. This two page flyer will explain how to get court fees waived in D.C.
Filing For A Fee Waiver
Information about how to get court fees waived in family law cases.
Handbook for People Who Represent Themselves in Divorce, Custody, and Child Support Cases
The court publishes this handbook to assist unrepresented individuals who have cases in family court in DC. It provides basic information about how the court works, how certain kinds of cases are handled, and what to expect during the course of a case. ** Please note FCSHC is working on an updated version and we will update it when it's available. For the prior guidebook please click below.
Serving Court Papers in Washington D.C. - Divorce and Custody Cases
When you file papers with the court, all parties involved in the case are entitled to receive a copy. You, not the court, are responsible for getting the copies to them. This is called service of process. Different situations require different types of service.
Child Custody and Visitation Fact Sheet
Custody is a legal arrangement that establishes who has the right to make decisions about a child and where a child will live. Custody only applies to children under the age of 18. When you get a custody order from a judge, it will determine two types of custody: legal custody and physical custody.
Complaint for Third Party Custody or Visitation
Use this form to file for custody of a child or children to whom you are not a biological parent
Videos to Help you in Family Court - Custody / Visitation
Navigating divorce, custody, fee waivers, and other related issues in family court can be difficult. In order to help break down different family law issues, please watch our comprehensive video series to better understand: • Filing for Divorce (including what to expect at the first hearing) • Filing for Custody • Applying for a Fee Waiver • Navigating the Child Support Calculator • And More! Each video focuses on a specific topic. You can watch the videos in order or click on each video based on your question. More videos will be coming soon (including discovery and evidence)! Remember, these videos offer information, not legal advice. The videos do not substitute for legal advice. For legal advice, please consult with an attorney.
Fee Waivers in Washington D.C. Fact Sheet
In D.C. Family Court, it costs $80 to start a divorce, custody, visitation or child support case. Once the case has been started, it costs $20 to file a counterclaim or a motion. There may also be other costs, such as witness fees or publication of notices. This two page flyer will explain how to get court fees waived in D.C.
Filing For A Fee Waiver
Information about how to get court fees waived in family law cases.
Videos to Help You in Family Court - Fee Waiver & Initial Hearing
Navigating divorce, custody, fee waivers, and other related issues in family court can be difficult. In order to help break down different family law issues, please watch our comprehensive video series to better understand: • Filing for Divorce (including what to expect at the first hearing) • Filing for Custody • Applying for a Fee Waiver • Navigating the Child Support Calculator • And More! Each video focuses on a specific topic. You can watch the videos in order or click on each video based on your question. More videos will be coming soon (including discovery and evidence)!
Getting Ready for Court
Frequently asked questions and answers on how you should prepare and what actually happens when you go to court.
Motion to Intervene - Third Party Custodian
Use this motion if you are a third party custodian wishing to intervene in a previously filed custody case.
Getting Ready for Court
Frequently asked questions and answers on how you should prepare and what actually happens when you go to court.
Serving Court Papers in Washington D.C. - Divorce and Custody Cases
When you file papers with the court, all parties involved in the case are entitled to receive a copy. You, not the court, are responsible for getting the copies to them. This is called service of process. Different situations require different types of service.
Videos to Help You in Family Court - Fee Waiver & Initial Hearing
Navigating divorce, custody, fee waivers, and other related issues in family court can be difficult. In order to help break down different family law issues, please watch our comprehensive video series to better understand: • Filing for Divorce (including what to expect at the first hearing) • Filing for Custody • Applying for a Fee Waiver • Navigating the Child Support Calculator • And More! Each video focuses on a specific topic. You can watch the videos in order or click on each video based on your question. More videos will be coming soon (including discovery and evidence)!