Webinar: Update on Commercial Leasing During the Pandemic
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The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center, the law firm Blank Rome LLP, and the D.C. SBDC Network are collaborating to bring you a webinar focused on commercial leases for business tenants who continue to struggle to pay rent after months of lockdown and other restrictions on operations.
At this point in the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations have been living with hard decisions to stay shuttered or operate with reduced capacity for a few months. Meanwhile, there are fewer financial relief programs to supplement lost revenue than there were earlier in the pandemic, and some prohibit spending funds on rent.
Being able to effectively communicate and negotiate with your landlord during this time continues to be important.
Tune in to the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center's webinar with Ross Coe from Blank Rome LLP to learn how your organization may be able to approach some of your latest COVID-19 related leasing concerns. This webinar is appropriate for both small business and nonprofit tenants.”