Website Survey

Emergency Shelter for Individuals in D.C.


How does the District of Columbia government provide services for its homeless population?

The District government's shelter program for both single individuals and families is currently administered by the non-profit, Community Partnership for the Prevention of Homelessness (the "Partnership"). Since 1994, the Partnership has attempted to develop a continuum of care model, providing emergency, transitional and permanent housing with support services for homeless people in the District. Unfortunately, however, the system is completely overburdened at all points and getting into many of the programs can be difficult.

How do I get into one of the Partnership funded shelters?

Single individuals can seek emergency shelter at any of the Partnership-funded shelters listed below. Single individuals are not currently asked to document their eligibility for emergency shelter. They may be asked for identification. Most emergency shelters for singles that are run by the Partnership admit clients on a first-come first-serve basis. People seeking shelter line up outside the facility from approximately 4:00 to 6:00 pm daily for a spot that evening.

Where do I go to get into one of the Partnership funded shelters?

Go to one of the following places:

D.C. Partnership-funded Women's Shelters:

Calvary Shelter:(25 beds), 928 5th Street NW 20001, 783-6651(Intake: For first time guests, must sign up for wait list at 7:00 pm. If currently a guest, check-in at 7-8 pm nightly; curfew is 7:00 pm) Generally filled;

House of Ruth - Madison:(64 beds), 651 10th Street NE 20002, 547-2600; 667-7001 (Intake: walk-ins ok; check-in time is 4:30 pm; check-out time is 8:45 am);

Open Door Shelter: (New Hope Ministries) (126 beds), 425 2nd St., NW, 639-8093 (Intake: walk-ins ok; check-in time is 7 pm; check-out time is 7 am);

John Young Center:(Catholic Charities) (100 beds), 2nd & D Streets, NW (check in is 7:00 p.m., check-out is 7:00 a.m.; walk-ins okay);

D.C. Partnership-funded Men's Shelters:

Blair:(Coalition for the Homeless) (100 beds) 635 Eye St NE 20002, 727-2832 (main #); 727-3863 (shelter #) This shelter no longer has any emergency shelter beds - all of the beds are 24-hour beds as part of a 6 month recovery program. Apply at the shelter;

Crummel:(New Hope Ministries) (144 beds), 1901 Kendall St NE, 269-4668. Intake: walk-ins ok; check-in time is 7 pm; check-out time is 7 am. (54 of the beds are 24-hour beds with services; the remainder are overnight emergency shelter);

Emery House: (Coalition for the Homeless) (150 beds), 1725 Lincoln Road, NE 20002, 635-1041; Intake: walk-ins ok; check-in is 6:30 pm; check-out is 7 am. (25 of the beds are 24-hour "program" beds; 125 are emergency shelter); fax: 635-0203;

Martin Luther King Shelter: (Catholic Charities) (108 beds), 2700 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE (grounds of St. Elizabeth's hospital) 889-7634. Intake: walk-ins ok; check-in time is 7 pm; check-out time is 7 am.(108 emergency shelter beds; 18 24-hour beds);

La Casa: (Coalition for the Homeless) (90 beds), 1436 Irving Street NW 20010, 673-3592; FAX: 462-5669;

Randall Shelter:(Catholic Charities) (170 beds), 75 Eye Street, SW, 20024, 479-0016, 479-4076. Intake: walk-ins ok; check-in time is 7 pm; check-out time is 7 am. (25 of the beds are 24-hour with services; the remainder are emergency overnight shelter)

(NOTE: The District government has proposed closure of the Randall Shelter. The closure is supposed to happen once replacement shelter beds have been made available. The timing is uncertain).

New York Avenue Shelter: (200 beds), 1355-1357 New York Ave., NE, 832-2359 Intake: walk-ins ok; check-in 7:00 pm, check-out 7:00 a.m.).

What if a shelter is full?

Because there are only a limited number of spaces in the shelter, you are not guaranteed shelter, even if you are eligible. If you try to get into a shelter but it is full, the staff should help you find and get to another shelter that has space.

Is there an easier way to find out what shelters have space?

You can call the shelter hotline at 1-800-535-7252.

Are there any guidelines that I must follow to keep receiving shelter and services?

Yes, there are rules you must follow in order to continue staying at the shelter and receiving services. These rules should be posted on a bulletin board or somewhere else where you can easily see them or they should be available from the shelter staff.

What if I am asked to leave the shelter?  Do I have any rights?

Before you can be asked to leave a Partnership funded shelter, you must be given a written notice that explains why you are being asked to leave and your appeal rights. If you appeal within ten (10) days of the date of that notice, you must be allowed to stay at the shelter until your appeal is decided. See the appeals section of this site for a description of the appeals process.

Can I get help with my appeal?

The Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless may be able to help you with an appeal of denial or termination of emergency shelter. Call (202) 328-5500 for more information.

What laws govern Partnership funded shelters? 

The statute is at D.C. Code §§4-701 - 4-714. The regulations are at District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (D.C.M.R.) Title 29, Chapter 25.

How do I find out about shelters that are not funded by the government through the Partnership?  

The Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington publishes a Directory. You can get the Directory at

The nongovernment shelters include for men:

Central Union Mission

1350 R Street, NW

(202) 745-7118

Gospel Rescue Ministries

810 5th Street, NW

(202) 842-1731

For women:

Luther Place Night Shelter

1333 N Street, NW

(202) 939-2083 or

(202) 387-5464 (after 4 p.m.)

For men and women:

Community for Creative NonViolence (CCNV)

425 2nd Street, NW

(202) 393-1909

Last Review and Update: Nov 10, 2004
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