Housing Counseling Services, Inc.
Housing Counseling Services provides counseling to tenants who are facing eviction or are delinquent in rent payments and to home owners who are facing default or are delinquent in mortgage payments. It provides Emergency Rental Assistance funding to qualified applicants. It offers pre-purchasing counseling, budget and financial counseling, and home rehabilitation counseling. It assists consumers by citing appropriate laws and regulations and by providing referrals. A certified housing counselor is available to assist with related problems.
Emergency Rental Assistance
202-507-6666 or https://erap.dhs.dc.gov
Training Webinars and Workshops Department:
202-667-7606 or training@housingetc.org
Home Purchase Assistance Programs: (HPAP/EAHP/NEAHP Information Hotline)
202-900-9468 or info@housingetc.org
Single-Family Home Rehabilitation Programs (SFRRP):
202-667-7006 or info@housingetc.org
Services for Persons living with HIV or AIDS:
202-900-9471 or
mhap@housingetc.org or
tbra@housingetc.org or
Inclusionary Zoning / Affordable Dwelling Unit Information:
202-667-7606 or training@housingetc.org
Foreclosure Prevention Department:
202-265-2255 or foreclosure@housingetc.org
Supportive Services for Veteran Families:
202-667-7366 or ssvfprogram@housingetc.org
Tenant Services Department:
202-900-9464 or tenants@housingetc.org
Cooperative and Condominium Department:
202-681-8653 or jadetinsley@housingetc.org
Employment Opportunities at HCS:
Click Here for listings
Resumes and cover letters should be sent to:
Intake and Housing Counseling:
202-667-7006 or info@housingetc.org
2410 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20009
Phone: (202) 667-7007
Fax: (202) 667-2135
Website: http://www.housingetc.org
Email: info@housingetc.org