Housing Discrimination

Self-Help Information

Other Discrimination Problems

Mediation on Hawaii Island - Hilo

Ku'ikahi Mediation Center provides a variety of dispute prevention and resolution services to our East Hawaii community. We help individuals, families, organizations, businesses, schools, and others to find creative solutions to challenging situations.

Mediation on Hawaii Island - Kona

West Hawaii Mediation Center strives to provide an array of high quality conflict resolution services to community members and organizations throughout West Hawaii.

Mediation on Kauai

Mediation Services from Kauai Economic Opportunity (KEO) can address a number of issues. Mediators from the agency facilitate dispute resolution in a confidential, informal and non-threatening manner, with the aim of avoiding court proceedings or preventing evictions.

Mediation on Maui

Maui Mediation Services, Inc. was established in 1982 to provide creative and appropriate ways of resolving disputes

Mediation on Oahu

Mediation Center of the Pacific's mission is to provide high quality mediation and dispute resolution services that are affordable and accessible on the island of Oahu.

Hawaii Disability Rights Center

The sole mission of the Hawaii Disability Rights Center is to protect and promote the human, civil and legal rights of individuals with disabilities.

Accommodations for Assistance Animals

Assistance Animals as a Reasonable Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities in Housing

Assistance Animals v. Service Animals

The Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act in the Housing Context

Pets In Housing

Pets in Housing is a program to promote the successful integration of pets into a larger number of homes on Oahu. This site provides an apartment search feature for renters with pets.

Your Rights to Service Dogs and Companion Animals

Civil rights laws protect people with disabilities. These anti-discrimination protections also cover your rights related to service dogs, and, to a lesser extent, companion animals.

Know Your Rights: Sexual Harassment in Housing

Have you experienced unwanted touching, unwanted sexual advances, sexual jokes, comments, or gestures in your rental housing? Fair housing laws may help you.

Accommodations for Assistance Animals

Assistance Animals as a Reasonable Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities in Housing

Chuukese: Fair Housing Video

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Fair Housing Enforcement Program

The Fair Housing Enforcement Program promotes fair housing and works to end housing discrimination through education, advocacy, outreach, and litigation

Fair Housing Fact Sheets

Fair Housing laws can often be complex and confusing, making it difficult to answer a quick question. Review these fact sheets that answer common questions related to various Fair Housing issues.

File a Housing Discrimination Complaint with the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission

This brochure discusses the process for filing a housing discrimination complaint with the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission

Hawaii Disability Rights Center

The sole mission of the Hawaii Disability Rights Center is to protect and promote the human, civil and legal rights of individuals with disabilities.

Ilocano: Fair Housing Video

This video provides general information about Housing Discrimination

Know Your Rights: Sexual Harassment in Housing

Have you experienced unwanted touching, unwanted sexual advances, sexual jokes, comments, or gestures in your rental housing? Fair housing laws may help you.

Marshallese: Fair Housing Video

This video provides general information about Housing Discrimination

Pre-Complaint Questionnaire For Housing Discrimination

Submitting a Pre-Complaint Questionnaire is the first step in filing a discrimination complaint with the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission (HCRC). After reviewing your Pre-Complaint Questionnaire you will be contacted for an intake interview and, where appropriate, provided assistance in filing a formal complaint for housing discrimination.

Your Rights to Fair Housing

The Fair Housing Act protects people from discrimination when they are renting, buying, or securing financing for any housing The prohibitions specifically cover discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability and the presence of children.

Fair Housing Fact Sheets

Fair Housing laws can often be complex and confusing, making it difficult to answer a quick question. Review these fact sheets that answer common questions related to various Fair Housing issues.

Know Your Rights: Sexual Harassment in Housing

Have you experienced unwanted touching, unwanted sexual advances, sexual jokes, comments, or gestures in your rental housing? Fair housing laws may help you.

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