River of Life Mission
The purpose of the River of Life Mission is to restore broken lives through rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration services. The program offers many important services for the low-income and homeless population.
Aloha United Way 211 Online Database
Search a database of over 4,000 government and nonprofit services and programs to find the answers you need, from basic needs (food, shelter, clothing), childcare, elderly care, disability services and more.
Get Financial Assistance for Rent, Security Deposits, and Utility Payments
Falling behind on your rent? Get the help you need before it's too late.
Maui Housing Assistance Programs
This brochure provides referral information for low-income housing projects and programs for Maui.
Hawaii Homeless Rights
Answers and explanations to common homeless concerns in the City and County of Honolulu
Aloha United Way 211 Online Database
Search a database of over 4,000 government and nonprofit services and programs to find the answers you need, from basic needs (food, shelter, clothing), childcare, elderly care, disability services and more.
Get Financial Assistance for Rent, Security Deposits, and Utility Payments
Falling behind on your rent? Get the help you need before it's too late.
Maui Housing Assistance Programs
This brochure provides referral information for low-income housing projects and programs for Maui.
Aloha United Way 211 Online Database
Search a database of over 4,000 government and nonprofit services and programs to find the answers you need, from basic needs (food, shelter, clothing), childcare, elderly care, disability services and more.
HUD Homeless Civil Legal Services Project
The Homeless Project provides help with housing, public benefits, consumer and family law.
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.