State Welfare (Cash Benefits and Food Stamps)

Self-Help Information

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How to Apply for Cash Benefits

Use this brochure if you want information on how to apply for General Assistance (GA) or Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (AABD) benefits for adults with severe disabilities.

Apply for TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

This brochure provides information about TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) or TAONF (Temporary Assistance to Other Needy Families) benefits and how to apply. TANF/TAONF is the financial assistance program for families with dependent children.

Department of Human Services Processing Center Locations

View a statewide list of DHS Processing Center locations and contact information organized by island. These application units offer services related to state benefit claims.

Public Assistance Information System (PAIS)

PAIS provides basic information on a variety of assistance programs offered through the Department of Human Services. It is accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

How to Apply for Cash Benefits

Use this brochure if you want information on how to apply for General Assistance (GA) or Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (AABD) benefits for adults with severe disabilities.

Aloha United Way 211 Online Database

Search a database of over 4,000 government and nonprofit services and programs to find the answers you need, from basic needs (food, shelter, clothing), childcare, elderly care, disability services and more.

Rules for Working and Receiving TANF/TAONF

Information about eligibility for TANF/TAONF and work requirements

Steps to take before your Welfare Assistance Ends

This brochure provides steps to take if your welfare cash assistance is expiring soon.

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants, and Children

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants, and Children (WIC), is a federally funded program which provides Hawaii residents with nourishing supplemental foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and health and social service referrals.

Video: Representing Yourself in Court

This video provides general information how to represent yourself at a court or administrative hearing.

Department of Human Services Processing Center Locations

View a statewide list of DHS Processing Center locations and contact information organized by island. These application units offer services related to state benefit claims.

Department of Human Services: The Appeals Process

Use this brochure if your Department of Human Services benefits are being denied, reduced, or terminated. These benefits include AABD, Food Stamps, GA, Medicaid, QUEST, TANF, and/or TAONF benefits.

Self-Help Form: DHS Fair Hearing Request

Use this interactive interview if you would like to complete a DHS Fair Hearing Request because your application for state benefits (financial assistance, medical benefits, food stamp benefits, social service benefits and other benefits) was denied or your current state benefits were reduced or ended.

How to Apply for SNAP (Food Stamps)

This brochure provides general information and application details about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program "SNAP" (formerly known as food stamps).

Department of Human Services Processing Center Locations

View a statewide list of DHS Processing Center locations and contact information organized by island. These application units offer services related to state benefit claims.

Information about Intentional Program Violations (IPV)

An Intentional Program Violation means that you had an overpayment from DHS in the past AND they believe you purposely hid or lied about information concerning your situation; AND, you received more benefits than you were entitled to because of your action. For Food Stamps, an IPV can also include misusing, selling, or buying Food Stamps.

What to do with a DHS Notice of Overpayment

Use this brochure if you have received an overpayment notice from the Department of Human Services for your TANF, GA, AABD, food stamps, or QUEST.

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