Technology Safety Information

Authored By: Legal Aid Society of Hawaii


Think About Safety

If you are using a public computer, be careful with your personal information.  Make sure you close all documents and exit all programs when you are finished. If someone is trying to keep track of what you are doing, it could be dangerous to use a personal computer to create forms.  You may want to use a computer in a public library or internet café to protect yourself.


Technology Tips

To use these Self-Help Interviews, you will need the following technology:

1. Internet Browser

We recommend using either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Download the free browser by clicking on the icon below


2. Adobe Flash Player

You must have Adobe Flash Player to view the interactive interviews.  Download it for free by clicking on the icon below

3. Microsoft Word/Word Viewer

To download your legal or court form at the end of the interview you we recommend using Microsoft Word.  If you do not have Microsoft Word, you can download a Microsoft Word Viewer for free by clicking on the icons below.

Make sure when you download your document that you choose one of these programs to avoid getting incorrect information. (Note: NotePad and WordPad can not be used)

Please note: if you are using a public computer, check with the organization to find out if these programs are installed.

Last Review and Update: Aug 09, 2018
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