Military and Veterans' Affairs

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Army Medical

This Web site provides an introduction to the U.S. Army Medical Department's headquarters organizations, which are the Office of the Army Surgeon General and U.S. Army Medical Command headquarters. It is intended for interested members of the public, news media and Army Medical Department beneficiaries.

Army National Guard Education Center

National Guard soldiers are encouraged in their efforts to pursue higher education. Educational goals may be closer than expected because many military courses and specialties can be credited toward a degree. The Education Support Center can assist in evaluating existing credits and mlitary experience. The links on the right can help soldiers toward enhancing both civilian and military education.

Bureau of Disease Control

By law, DHEC is mandated "to investigate the reported causes of communicable or epidemic disease and to enforce or prescribe such preventive measures as may be needed to suppress or prevent the spread of such diseases." The program's major activity involves HIV, other STDs, TB, protection from measles, polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases and outbreaks from other communicable diseases. Because all South Carolinians may be subject to communicable disease, we cannot abdicate our responsibility to monitor and control communicable diseases.

Bureau of Laboratories

Services include patient testing for sexually transmitted diseases and well-child tests, and reference services for sophisticated or uncommon agents for other laboratories in South Carolina.

Career OneStop

Your pathway to career success. Tools to help job seekers, students, businesses, and career professionals. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor

Child Support and Alimony from Military Personnel and Department of Defense Employees

Federal law authorizes the pay of active, reserve, and retired members of the military and the pay of civilian employees of the Federal government to be garnished (or attached) for the payment of child and/or spousal support. Go to this web page to find information about the process and location for getting a garnishment or wage attachment against any member of the military or any civilian employee of the Department of Defense (DOD).

Common Questions about Alimony and Child Support from Military Personnel and Defense Employees

This web page contains answers to common questions about collecting child support and alimony from military personnel and employees of the Department of Defense.

Compensation for Veterans

Compensation & Pension Service administers a variety of benefits and services for veterans, their dependents and survivors, including, but not limited to: service-connected compensation, DIC, non-service connected pension, burial & accrued benefits, guardianship and public contact services. This website contains information about what benefits we administer.

Disability Benefits For Wounded Warriors

Social Security can provide a lifeline of support to people with HIV infection. That lifeline comes in the form of monthly Social Security disability benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments, Medicare and Medicaid coverage and a variety of other services available to people who receive disability benefits from Social Security. If you are disabled because of HIV infection, this booklet from the Social Security Administration web site will help you understand the kinds of disability benefits you might be eligible for from the Social Security or SSI programs.

Education Benefits for Veterans and the Military

The Education Service administers a large number of education benefit programs, including: (1) Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty (2) Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve, (3) Veterans Educational Assistance Program, (4) Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program and (5) a Work Study Program. This web site contains information about each of these programs, forms, and much more.

Emergency Medical Services

DHEC-EMS is responsible for developing and enforcing all of the standards and regulations necessary for the improvement of emergency medical services in South Carolina.

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