Environmental Laws and Regulations

Lea esto en: English
Por: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

(1) Major statutes or laws that form the legal basis for the programs of the EPA. (2) Federal regulations codified in the Code of Federal Regulations and additional material related to Title 40: Protection of Environment. (3) A collection of non-binding guidance materials issued by EPA Headquarters offices since January 1, 1999. The collection includes documents issued to Regions, states, and/or the regulated community which explain what must be done to meet environmental requirements or explain how EPA will exercises its discretion in implementing statutory or regulatory requirements. Highlights: (a) About the Food Quality Protection Act, (b) Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act, (c) RCRA* Orientation Manual, (d) Safe Drinking Water Act: Past Present and Future

Última revisión y actualización: Feb 25, 2014
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