Informacion Importante para Trajadores Huespedes H2A (Important Information for H2A Farmworkers)


For H-2A Farmworkers in South Carolina
Know your legal rights as a Guestworker on a US Farm:
1. Under the law, your employer MUST reimburse you for the costs of your visa and your travel in coming to the job with the first week's paycheck.
2. You must be paid at least $8.07 per hour for your work each week. This is true even if you are paid on a piece-rate basis.
3. You cannot be charged for your housing.
4. Your housing must meet health and safety standards. You have a right to a clean bed, toilets that work and showers that deliver hot and cold water. Your employer must provide you with cooking facilities and a refrigerator for your use.
5. While you are working, you have a right to toilets, cool drinking water and handwashing facilities at the jobsite.
6. Your employer must provide you with at least 3/4 of the hours promised in your work contract, or otherwise pay you for any shortage of hours.
If you have any questions about your rights, contact:
The South Carolina Centers for Equal Justice
2803 Carner Ave
North Charleston, SC 29406
Tel. No. 843-266-2176
Toll Free No.1-888-720-2320 Extenciones 2174 para Juan
2174 para Marvin
E-Mail Address:

Marvin H. Feingold, Managing Attorney
Juan Frias, Outreachworker
March 12, 2005

Last Review and Update: Aug 12, 2020
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