Special Education

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4 Resource(s) Found
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Disability Rights SC - Education Resources

Disability Rights SC envisions an education system where all students with disabilities receive appropriate services to enable the student to have access to a free appropriate public education in the student's least restrictive environment. Find "words to know" and a variety of resources on their webpage.

Dispute Resolution Information

The South Carolina Department of Education provides several dispute resolution options when it comes to the provision of special education services. This web page describes those options.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to those children. Find IDEA information and resources at the U.S. Department of Education's website.

When a Dispute Arises in the Individualized Education Program (IEP Process)

The South Carolina Department of Education's Office of Special Education Services provides informal dispute resolution help to families and schools where disputes arise regarding programming for students with disabilities. Find information about that process on this web page.

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