Land and Water Conservation

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Other Environmental Problems

11 Resource(s) Found
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Earth 911

It is the mission of Earth 911 to empower the public with community-specific resources to improve their quality of life. While sustainable prevention programs are by far the best way to protect our nation’s environment, the costs associated with many of these programs can be astronomical. That is why the use of this Public and Private Sector Partnership is so important in effectuating prevention ideals. Through the Partnership, economies of scale and scope are achieved, promoting this public service across the nation and centralizing environmental resources into one user-friendly network.

Enviromapper - Locating Environmental Problems, Solutions and Environmental Justice Issues

On-line mapping tool from the Environmental Protection Agency, maps EPA-regulated facilities, brownfields tax-incentive zones, surface water, watershed environmental information, superfund clean up sites, and environmental justice information according to zip code.

Environmental Health

Environmental Health is charged with protecting the health of South Carolina’s families, our visitors, and our environment through the application of scientific principles and sound management practices in the areas of Food Protection, Onsite Wastewater Management, and General Sanitation.

Environmental Protection Agency E-Docket

The EDocket is an electronic docket, or list of the EPA's proposed rule-making actions. You can use the EDocket to find out what new rules or rule-changes the EPA is planning to take action on in the near future. You may also send your comments about the rules to the EPA electronically. Federal agencies like EPA use the rule-making process to issue regulations unless this is not allowed under the statutes passed by Congress and signed into law by the President. The rulemaking process generally follows a simple procedure called 'notice and comment.' The agency provides notice of a pending regulation by publishing a proposed rule in the Federal Register. Any person or organization may review this notice and submit comments on it in writing. In some cases public hearings are held where interested parties may speak and provide comments. The period during which comments are accepted may vary for individual actions, but it usually is 30, 60, or 90 days.

Environmental Quality Control

The Office of Environmental Quality Control (EQC) is the environmental regulatory arm of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. EQC is responsible for the enforcement of federal and state environmental laws and regulations, and for the issuing of permits, licenses and certifications for activities which may affect the environment.

Global Greengrants Fund Web Site

Global Greengrants Fund supports grassroots groups supporting environmental justice and sustainability around the world. Our grants fund grassroots action in some of the world’s most despoiled and impoverished places. Grassroots groups are key to solving intractable problems and halting cycles of poverty, powerlessness and environmental destruction. Our grants offer hope and tap the energy of communities where other sources of support are unavailable. There is no better investment than supporting passionate people with great ideas.

Global Recycling Network (GRN)

Global Recycling Network (GRN) is a free-access public site dedicated to recycling-related information.

Report Environmental Violations

Use this page to report what appears to you as a possible violation of environmental laws and regulations. Information you submit will be forwarded to EPA environmental enforcement personnel or the the appropriate regulatory authority.

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