Health Care for Immigrants

Community Directory

Other Health Problems

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Bureau of Disease Control

By law, DHEC is mandated "to investigate the reported causes of communicable or epidemic disease and to enforce or prescribe such preventive measures as may be needed to suppress or prevent the spread of such diseases." The program's major activity involves HIV, other STDs, TB, protection from measles, polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases and outbreaks from other communicable diseases. Because all South Carolinians may be subject to communicable disease, we cannot abdicate our responsibility to monitor and control communicable diseases.

Bureau of Laboratories

Services include patient testing for sexually transmitted diseases and well-child tests, and reference services for sophisticated or uncommon agents for other laboratories in South Carolina.

Emergency Medical Services

DHEC-EMS is responsible for developing and enforcing all of the standards and regulations necessary for the improvement of emergency medical services in South Carolina.

South Carolina's Immigrant Community Access Point

Our objective is to help immigrants (and visitors) to South Carolina get access to the programs, organizations, and services they need to successfully integrate with our state and its way of life.

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