Individual Rights
Housing for LGBT People
When lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender couples set out to buy or rent a home, they may confront several forms of discrimination that married heterosexual couples do not face. LGBT couples can face discrimination in access to housing, and there is no federal law against it.
How Our Laws Are Made in the United States
This web site contains detailed information about the legislative process - how laws are made in the United States.
How to File a Discrimination Charge
This web page, from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) web site, shows you how to file a discrimination charge if you believe you have been discriminated against by an employer, labor union or employment agency when applying for a job or while on the job because of your race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability, or believe that you have been discriminated against because of opposing a prohibited practice or participating in an equal employment opportunity matter.
How to File a Housing Discrimination Complaint with HUD
Federal law prohibits housing discrimination based on your race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status, or disability. If you have been trying to buy or rent a home or apartment and you believe your rights have been violated, you can file a fair housing complaint.
How to Use the Federal Freedom of Information Act
This booklet is designed as a general "do-it-yourself" guide to using the federal Freedom of Information Act. This is the ninth edition of the guide, which was originally published in 1976 and has been updated and expanded to include recent court opinions that affect the FOI Act. This booklet was researched and edited by The FOI Service Center, a project of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. It describes how to use the Act as an effective investigative tool, and provides sample letters, forms and directories to assist you in dealing with the government promptly and effectively.
Jobs not Jail: Alternatives to Incarceration for Low - Income, Noncustodial Parents
A report that looks at alternative methods of having fathers provide for their children.
LGBT Youth & Schools Resources and Links
A list of resources from ACLU with information about school issues for LGBT youth. Learn more about your rights and what you can do to make your school a safer, more welcoming place.
National Constitution Center: Studying the Constitution
This web site contains: Facts about the United States Constitution, Information about Basic Governing Principles, the Founding Fathers, Founding Documents (such as the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence) and Constitutional History Links.
On-Site Customers
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