Migrant Workers
Health Initiatives
From HIV prevention, environmental health education, to community mobilization, our goal is to empower farmworkers with the information, skills, and resources necessary to reduce and eliminate health disparities and support farmworker efforts to create and sustain healthy communities.
Housing Assistance Council
The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) is a national nonprofit organization that helps build homes and communities across rural America.
How to File a Complaint
The US Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division (WHD) is responsible for administering and enforcing some of the nation's most important worker protection laws. WHD is committed to ensuring that workers in this country are paid properly and for all the hours they work, regardless of immigration status.
Immigration and Labor
Farmworker Justice helps farmworkers and their organizations improve wages and working conditions and immigration policy.
Migrant Health Program - Clemson University
Clemson students - nursing students, language students and health science students - serving the migrant and seasonal farmwork population in South Carolina. They provide health screenings and assessments, health services, health education, counseling and outreach services.
National Center for Farmworker Health
The National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH), established in 1975, is dedicated to improving the health status of farmworker families by providing information services and products to a network of more than 500 migrant health center service sites in the United States as well as organizations, universities, researchers, and individuals involved in farmworker health.
Office of Migrant Education
The mission of the Office of Migrant Education (OME) is to provide excellent leadership, technical assistance, and financial support to improve the educational opportunities and academic success of migrant children, youth, agricultural workers, fishers, and their families. The OME administers grant programs that provide academic and supportive services to the children of families who migrate to find work in the agricultural and fishing industries. The OME also administers several contracts and special initiatives.
PASOs helps the Latino community and service providers work together for strong and healthy families. We do this through education, support and grassroots leadership development.
Pesticide Safety
Pesticides are inherently toxic materials -- they are developed and used to destroy or prevent growth or infestations of unwanted insects, plants, and other pests in agricultural, commercial, industrial, and household settings. Farmworkers, and especially those who mix and apply pesticides, face greater risks of becoming poisoned by pesticides because they work with pesticides at their greatest concentrations and strengths.
Public Charge Fact Sheet
Information for immigrants who receive public benefits and are trying to get a green card. PDF document (may load slowly).
South Carolina Migrant Health Program
The SCMHP is a Migrant Health Voucher Program, which utilizes a network of fee-for-service providers to render culturally and linguistically competent health care and health care related services to migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their families in South Carolina. The Program offers comprehensive health care and enabling services designed to improve the accessibility of quality, culturally - appropriate health care services and reduce health disparities for the community
South Carolina's Immigrant Community Access Point
Our objective is to help immigrants (and visitors) to South Carolina get access to the programs, organizations, and services they need to successfully integrate with our state and its way of life.
Wages and Hours - Compliance Assistance
The Fair Labor Standards Act establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in Federal, State and local governments.