Military and Veterans' Affairs

69 Resource(s) Found

Emotional Responses to Traumatic Events

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has programs to help combat veterans deal with the emotional trauma of war. Those programs have enabled VA to become widely recognized within the medical community as a leader in assisting people deal with the aftermath of emotional events.

Exceptional Family Member Program

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory enrollment program that works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated community support, housing, and educational, medical, and personnel services to families with special needs. An exceptional family member is a family member (child or adult) with any physical, emotional, developmental, or intellectual disorder that requires special treatment, therapy, education, training, or counseling.

Federal Benefits for Veterans Dependents, and Survivors

This booklet lists the variety of federal benefits available to veterans and their dependents. The document may be downloaded in PDF format only.

Federal Job Listings

USAJobs is the official job site of the United States Federal Government. It's your one-stop source for federal jobs and employment information.

GI Bill Comparison Tool

Helps you find a school and determine your GI Bill benefits while attending it.

Hire Veterans

Find the resources you need for matching employment opportunities with veterans.

Home Loan Services for Veterans and the Military

This website contains information about: (1) the VA Home Loan program, (2) the Loan Guaranty Services, (3) Specially Adapted Housing for Disabled Veterans, (4) VA - Approved Lenders, (5) Refinancing Opportunities, and much more.

Improving Aging Services for LGBT Veterans

This fact sheet gives information on current (as of April 2014) information on LGBT veterans' benefits and concerns, including spousal benefits, transgender veterans and amending dishonorable discharges.

Life Insurance Programs for Veterans

Why the Department of Veterans' Affairs is in the Insurance Business: Our insurance programs were developed to provide insurance benefits for veterans and servicemembers who may not be able to get insurance from private companies because of the extra risks involved in military service, or a service connected disability.

Long Term Care Medicaid Application

Medicaid Application for Long Term Care Services.

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